Nepal Wire Housing Company has announced the opening of Initial Public Offering (IPO) for Nepalis residing abroad from Kartik 10. The company plans to sell 1,037,500 shares out of the total 1,375,000 shares at a 10% discount to foreign workers.
Out of this, 275,000 shares are allocated for employees, and 687,500 shares for mutual funds. The remaining 1,142,500 shares will be available for the general public. After the first phase of IPO for Nepalis working abroad, the company will open it to the general public.
Foreign workers can apply for shares until Kartik 24. The application can be made for a minimum of 10 shares and a maximum of 50,000 shares at a rate of NPR 100 per share. Himalayan Capital Limited will be the sales manager for this offering. The company has been assigned an ‘IRR Double B Minus (IS)’ rating, indicating a moderate risk capacity to fulfill financial obligations by Informatics Credit Rating Limited.
Nepal Wire Housing Company fulfills the storage needs of farmers, traders, millers, and businesses involved in the trade and storage of food. The company operates storage facilities with a total capacity of 55,000 metric tons in Province 1, Province 2, and Lumbini Province.
The company’s internal rate of return (IRR) is 15.19%. The normal investment return period is 9.29 years, and the discounted investment return period is 13.65 years. In the previous fiscal year up to Ashad, the company had a per-share net income of NPR 8.87, and in the current fiscal year, it is projected to earn NPR 5.52. In the coming fiscal year, the projected per-share income is NPR 16.11.