How to renew mero share account online ?

                                    How to renew mero share account online ?


Embracing the digital era, managing investments has become remarkably convenient. Mero Share, a prominent platform catering to share market enthusiasts, provides an intuitive online account renewal process. In this detailed guide, we’ll lead you through the steps to renew Mero Share account effortlessly. Follow these instructions to keep your investments on the right trajectory .

How to renew mero share account online ?

Step 1: Navigating to the Mero Share Login Page

To initiate the renewal process, begin by opening your preferred web browser and visit This direct link will take you to the login page, ready for the next step.

Step 2: Entering Your Login Credentials

Provide your registered username and password in the designated fields. Don’t forget to select your Depository Participant (DP) from the dropdown menu, ensuring you’re accessing the correct account.

Step 3: Accessing Your Mero Share Account

After entering your login details, click the ‘Login’ button to gain access to your Mero Share account. The user-friendly interface will guide you through the next steps.

Step 4: Navigating to Your Profile Page

Once logged in, locate your name in the upper-right corner of the screen and click on it. This action will lead you to your personal profile page.

Step 5: Initiating the Renewal Process

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the ‘Renew Account’ button. Click on it to kickstart the renewal process.

Step 6: Selecting Your Preferred Payment Gateway

Upon clicking ‘Renew Account’, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can choose your preferred payment gateway. This ensures a secure and seamless transaction. You can choose Esewa , Khalti , Imepay , Connect IPS .

How to renew mero share account online ?

Step 7: Customizing Your Renewal

On the Renew Account Selection page, you’ll have the freedom to select what components you’d like to renew. Options may include renewing your Mero Share account, your demat account, or both.

Step 8: How to renew mero share account online ?

Choose the time period (in years) for which you want to renew your account. This step allows you to tailor the renewal to your specific needs and preferences.

Step 9: Proceeding to Payment

Click the ‘Proceed’ button to advance to the payment stage. This step ensures your renewal process continues smoothly.

Step 10: Completing the Payment Process

You’ll now be redirected to your chosen payment gateway’s page. Enter your credentials and follow the prompts to complete the payment process securely.

Step 11: Confirmation of Renewal

Upon successful payment, you’ll receive a confirmation message, indicating that your Mero Share account has been successfully renewed. Your investments are now secured and accessible.


With Mero Share’s user-friendly online account renewal process, managing your investments has never been more straightforward. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can ensure your financial assets remain up-to-date and secure. Take advantage of this convenient online feature and keep your investments on the path to success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost to renew Mero Share?

To renew Mero Share, the cost is NPR 50.

How much does it cost to renew demat account?

Renewing a demat account costs NPR 100.

Which payment gateways are available for renewal?

You can renew through Esewa, Khalti, IME Pay, Prabhu Pay, and Connect IPS.

How often should I renew my Mero Share account?

Mero Share should be renewed on a gap basis whenever required.

When should I renew my demat account?

Demat account should be renewed at the end of the fiscal year, typically in the Asar month (July).

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