On the 28th of Bhadra, Thursday, Citizen Life Insurance’s IPO (Initial Public Offering) has been announced. The issuance and sale of shares of the company were managed by NIMB ACE Capital’s office.
Starting from the 15th to the 19th of Bhadra, the general public could apply for shares at a base price of NPR 100 per share, with an additional premium of NPR 144, totaling NPR 244 per share. A total of 9 million shares were issued.
During the issuance period of the Insurance IPO, a total of 1,584,597 applications were received for 9,075,687 shares, totaling 10,575,687 shares. Out of which, 14,702,237 applications were approved.
Due to oversubscription, a lottery system was used following the guidelines outlined in the prospectus of the IPO. Accordingly, 900,000 applicants received shares of insurance at the rate of 10 lots each, which is higher than the demand.
Way TO Check IPO Result
Method 1: MeroShare Website
- Open your web browser and go to the MeroShare IPO Result website: https://iporesult.cdsc.com.np/
- On the website’s homepage, you’ll find an option to select the IPO result. Look for “Reliable Nepal Life Insurance” in the list of available IPOs.
- Click on “Reliable Nepal Life Insurance” to access the IPO result page.
- Enter your 16-digit BOID (Beneficiary Owner Identification) number in the provided field. This is the number you received from your brokerage or the CDS and Clearing Limited.
- Click on the “View Result” button.
- The result for your IPO application will be displayed on the screen, showing whether you have been allotted shares or not.
Method 2: Nepse Bajar
- Open your web browser and go to the Nepse Bajar PMS website: http://nepsebajar.com/iporesult
- Look for the “IPO Result” section on the homepage.
- Click on the “IPO Result” section and find “Reliable Nepal Life Insurance” from the list of IPOs.
- Click on the link for “Reliable Nepal Life Insurance” to access the IPO result page.
- Enter your BOID number and submit.
- The result of your IPO application will be displayed, indicating whether you have been allotted shares or not.